[09:54:25] <anton_may> superfly: took our weekend phone sim, registered with TG. Installed telegram on our nagios server and then added it to the cmd.cfg [09:54:43] <anton_may> telegram has a very good cli interface [09:59:51] <anton_may> # 'notifi-by-tg-host' command defination [09:59:52] <anton_may> define command{ [09:59:52] <anton_may> command_name notify-by-tg-host [09:59:52] <anton_may> command_line $USER1$/tg/scripts/./telegram.sh msg $_CONTACTTG$ "Notification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host: $HOSTADDRESS$ Info: $HOSTOUTPUT$ Date/Time: $LONGDATETIME$" [09:59:52] <anton_may> } [09:59:53] <anton_may> # 'notifi-by-tg-service' command definition [09:59:55] <anton_may> define command{ [09:59:57] <anton_may> command_name notify-by-tg-service [09:59:59] <anton_may> command_line $USER1$/tg/scripts/./telegram.sh msg $_CONTACTTG$ "Notification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Service: $SERVICEDESC$ Host: $HOSTADDRESS$ State: $SERVICESTATE$ Date/Time: $LONGDATETIME$ Additional Info: $SERVICEOUTPUT$" [10:00:03] <anton_may> }